NM Spirit Wear is HERE, News (North Middlesex Baseball)

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Nov 07, 2022 | Brad McLeod | 363 views
NM Spirit Wear is HERE
Hello Baseball Families;
North Middlesex Minor Baseball is pleased to bring back SPIRIT WEAR for our Sluggers / Skeeter families.  It has been setup on website store, orders can be made, paid online and deliveries sent directly to you.  It is OPEN and ready to order in time for Christmas.  The stores are set to close at midnight on November 21. 

There are two separate sites, one for Sluggers and one for Skeeters.  2 sessions are being set up, the first currently starting now until Nov 21st, and the other will be in the spring prior to the season starting.
Follow the links below which takes you to each site, order your spirit wear and show your support by wearing our Slugger and Skeeter clothing.

Brad McLeod
President North Middlesex Minor Baseball